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7 Bar IP Connection - Bangor

The Project

Adroit Utilities Ltd were awarded a contract by an existing client to connect the first natural gas fueling station in Wales. This consisted of the delivery of the Intermediate Pressure (IP) pipeline installation, testing and connection.

  • Full design of project including GL/5 Mechanical, Cathodic and network approvals

  • Complete Q10 sampling.

  • Installation by open cut of 300m+ gas main including all necessary Ryder / Pressure points etc

  • Installation by open cut of 20m+ service terminating with an ECV.

  • The hydrostatic & pneumatic testing of the pipeline Inc drying

  • The provision of protective coating to strategic line valves on the pipeline

  • The installation of cathodic protection at line valve locations Inc M28 posts

  • The connection under live conditions to the existing 6” ST intermediate pressure gas main

  • The commissioning of the pipeline to an ECV Inc all necessary SCO, AE, CP.

  • The installation of drier offtake valve arrangement

  • The installation, testing and commissioning of the unregulated turbine meter module

  • The installation, testing and commissioning of outlet pipework to compressors on site

The Challenges

With the location being set in Wales that provided some challenges to navigate in particular the ground suitability, initial trial holes indicated the presence of rock and this ruled out the preferred option of horizontal directional drilling (HDD). We then swiftly pivoted to an open cut installation technique to facilitate the installation of this pipeline.


When the method changed to open cut we were asked by our client to install a Openreach duct to help facilitate their communication systems as their site relies heavily on monitoring and communicating as the site operates 24 hours a day unmanned. We were happy to facilitate this duct lay as we believe in helping our clients even if the work is outside of the original scope.


The Q10 inspection highlighted a parent main wall thickness of 4.3mm with the minimum wall thickness allowed for welding being 4mm. In this instance most companies would have opted for a grouted tee but these not only can be expensive but also present a significant time delay. In collaboration with W&W Utilities a separate P/11 inspection was carried out to ascertain the overall condition to ensure the suitability for welding, although lamination was identified the senior pipeline inspector for the project was satisfied that the welding tee option could be completed. This saved the client significant time delays and cost increases.

©2023 Adroit Utilities Ltd is incorporated in England (Company No.8168331) (VAT No.152040558) and its registered office is 3 Cedar Court, Halesfield 17, Telford, TF7 4PF.

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