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7 Bar IP Connection - BAE Systems

The Project

Adroit Utilities Ltd were awarded a contract to install a new 7 Bar pipeline to BAE Systems Submarines. This consisted of the delivery of the Intermediate Pressure (IP) pipeline installation, testing and connection.

  • Full design of project including GL/5 Mechanical, Cathodic and network approvals

  • Complete Q10 sampling.

  • Installation by open cut of 50m+ gas supply including all necessary Ryder / Pressure points etc

  • Installation by open cut of 10m+ service terminating with an ECV.

  • The hydrostatic & pneumatic testing of the pipeline Inc drying

  • The provision of protective coating to strategic line valves on the pipeline

  • The installation of cathodic protection at line valve locations Inc M28 posts

  • The connection under live conditions to the existing 6” ST intermediate pressure gas main

  • The commissioning of the pipeline to an ECV Inc all necessary SCO, AE, CP.

The challenges

As the BAE Systems site was a high security site, Adroit had to work closely with key security personnel to ensure the project was delivered in a timely manner this involved having all staff vetted and security cleared to an MOD standard.


During the installation of the pipeline we had to work closely with the electric DNO as a new high voltage (HV) system to a substation was also being installed, in addition to the above there was an existing railway line that crossed the route of the proposed pipeline. After consultation it was decided that the best course of action was to install the pipeline under the railway track which the onsite team were able to overcome.


All work was completed despite the above and to the satisfaction of the client.



©2023 Adroit Utilities Ltd is incorporated in England (Company No.8168331) (VAT No.152040558) and its registered office is 3 Cedar Court, Halesfield 17, Telford, TF7 4PF.

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